Friday, May 13, 2011


We wrote this for the Tree Committee.

4 Simple Tips for Caring for your New Tree

1. Water your tree at least once a week if it has not rained, especially in the summer months. Check the soil under the mulch and water if dry. Your tree needs 15-20 gallons of water a week. To insure the roots are getting enough water set your hose on slow drip for 1-2 hours. Evening or early morning watering is best to minimize evaporation.

2. Don’t mow too close to your tree. Use the mulch line as a guide to avoid mechanical damage from lawnmowers and weed whackers. Both can seriously damage bark which has a negative impact on the health of your tree.

3. Keep the soil around the tree healthy. Tree roots need oxygen to thrive. Make sure the soil around the tree is aerated and does not become compacted.

4. Mulch. Mulching insulates soil, retains moisture, keeps out weeds and prevents soil compaction. The health and well being of your tree begins with simple care of the root system,that is why proper mulching is so important.

• How to Mulch.

1. Mulch in a "DONUT" shape, not in a "VOLCANO" shape. Mulch should never be piled up against the tree trunk because it can make the tree more susceptible to fungus, insects, and rodents. Keep the mulch 2" - 4" thick and 6" from the trunk and reapply each year.

2. The root flare (the widest part at the base of the tree trunk at the soil line) should be visible, too much mulch or dirt around the tree could deplete the oxygen supply to the roots.

3. Spread the mulch out as far as the branches extend above.

4. Use bark chunks at least 3/8" in size. Pine needles, shredded and composted leaves and 1-year old wood chips all make great mulches for your tree!

• Why Mulch?

1. Retain moisture and provide nutrients.

2. Prevent soil compaction, soil erosion and damage to the roots and trunk.

3. Moderate soil temperature and protect from harsh weather conditions such as drought or frost.

4. Increase oxygen flow to the roots.

5. Reduce weeds and grasses around trees that compete for water and nutrients.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Put up the Fence

Well, we dug our trench and hammered in "T" posts that the town donated and tied our fence to the posts.
The plots have been laid out and will be randomly assigned save for an end spot for the Moms group who are thinking it may be good to have a grassy spot for the kids to roll on.
Lesley and David went all the way up to Chester NY to get green coated fencing. I think we are a kick-off next weekend-
PS I started this BLOG because I could not figure out how to add a facebook account.
Let the planting begin.